Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Do I Want?

We always know what is it that we don't want to do.
"I don't want to clean my room."
"I don't want to go visit relatives. They are boring!"
"I don't want to fail my exams."
These are statements each of us uses in everyday, mundane life. Life can be monotonous for a lot of us and nobody wants a monotonous life. We always keep complaining and cribbing about having what we don't want and about not wanting to do a lot of things.

But how many of us actually know what is it that we want? Not many, I believe.
You may not want to clean your room and you prefer a neat and tidy room but is that what you want?
You don't want to waste your Sunday visiting a bunch of relatives as they bore you to death but do you know what you want to do on that Sunday?

You don't want to fail your exams but is your goal just to pass that exam? What is your goal?

These are questions not many of us ask ourselves. If I give you 1 minute, a pen and a piece of paper and ask you to list all the things that you want, it may seem to be a very easy task but trust me, it's not going to be easy. However, if I repeat the task but ask you to list the things you don't want to do, instead, that task is going to be much easier, I believe! Try it for yourself...
Most of us end up focusing on things we don't want. We never concentrate on the things we want. Most of the times, we are not sure what we want. How can we expect to achieve our goals (wants and desires) when we are only clear about things we don't want? What we want is never the focus of our attention...

We all have heard,

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.

So, today, aspire and want something. Only then will you have a chance of getting it!